life, Quotes

No day but today – Fight the trumpidemic!

525,600 minutes in a year.

That’s 1440 minutes every day that each person has to make the myriad of choices, big and small, that we all face daily.

Ultimately though, the one choice that will really make a meaningful difference in this world, both for individuals and for humanity as a whole, as trite as it may sound, is LOVE.

If we can tap into that emotion every day, especially the dark days, and more importantly show it in our actions, the haters can’t win.

I was lucky enough to see Rent onstage in Vancouver twenty years ago, two years after its debut. Rent is a rock musical written by Jonathan Larson, who died suddenly at 36, the morning of its off-Broadway debut in 1996. Talk about no day but today. RIP Jonathan.

I listened to the soundtrack on my road trip last month because the Victoria Operatic Society is performing the musical this fall. My nine year old will be disappointed there are no suitable roles for her. ☺️

Rent is loosely based on the opera “La Bohème” by Puccini, which concerns starving artists in Paris in the 1840s, facing the tuberculosis epidemic. Rent places the struggling artists in New York City in the 1990s, facing the AIDS epidemic.

In 2018, the messages of both these great works are more important than ever as the world faces the trumpidemic that threatens to tear apart the United States. Is that melodramatic? Maybe. I hope so.

As a white, cisgender woman growing up and living in a middle class neighbourhood in Canada, I have been spared the horrific abuse I see hurled at the marginalized, though even as a young girl it hurt my heart to realize humans could treat each other so badly.

Now being a member of another marginalized group, the disabled, I have an inkling (the teeniest for sure) of the challenges so many people face in being accepted and valued in our society.

Diversity, tolerance, love, friendship, hope, despair, addiction, disease, discrimination, the class divide and the death of art – timeless themes that we human beings should have a better handle on by now.

Instead, a Muppet-like wannabe dictator (sorry Jim Henson) a misguided, heartless president is sowing the seeds of hatred, intolerance and bigotry through his ridiculous Twitterganda and isolationism.

The strongest weapon against his particular brand of nastiness, is LOVE. Seasons of love, people, that’s what we need.

No day but today.

Have you seen Rent? If not, I highly recommend! The actual musical is way better but they did a great job with the movie which includes most of the original Broadway cast. It’s on Netflix. 😊

I propose we start a new hashtag movement. It seems the haters and the trolls are the ones who spend time and energy spewing hatred online. Rather than wasting our (precious spoonie) energy by engaging in a useless attempt at intelligent debate, let’s drown them with a tsunami of #fightthetrumpidemic and #chooselove hashtags every time they comment.

In order to stem the tide of ignorance and hate, we have to overcome the apathy, stop talking amongst ourselves and start fighting back. Who’s with me?

Heart shaped clearing in the clouds framing the words.
Fight the trumpidemic. Choose LOVE!

Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a wonderful week!

❤️ Amanda

19 thoughts on “No day but today – Fight the trumpidemic!”

  1. Awesome! Choose love for sure! Loved reading it! Much better way to fight the stupid, the uneducated, and the willfully ignorant!

    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Alyssa! So true – I’m not loving this migraine that’s moved in though. Grrrr… I know you can relate. Headaches are bad enough, never mind the ones that go on for days. I hope you’re having a great week. 💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh dear I can definitely relate way too much! I have gone a a few days with just a av nagging headache, but a little while ago it progressed. I think it has progressed to a migraine because of stress. I hope you feel better soon and that nasty migraine leaves you alone! Best wishes sweetie ♡♡

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Is trump the reason? Does he bear the responsibility or do all of us? Too often hate is fought with hate, and nothing goes anywhere. Love is constantly spoken about, yet rarely practiced. Would you invite trump over to your home for dinner and conversation and treat him as you would want to be treated?

    Trump is the boogie man like Russia and anything else that people can blame them for, yet how much do we look to ourselves to treat others as we want to be treated?

    I acknowledge your distain for trump, but does that go both ways? If you dislike someone for any reason, are they in-turn allowed to show you the same prejudice?

    Perhaps love and no hashtags. Perhaps grace and humility, rather than judgement. We can only control ourselves and expecting others to do as we do or act as we act is simply unfair.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re absolutely right, Trump does not bear all the responsibility. I don’t agree that love is rarely practiced, it depends on where you’re looking.

      I’m not sure I follow all your arguments but thanks for your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

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