chronic illness, garden, gratitude, Health, life, mental health, MS

Garden Tour – May 2021

Well, hello there! It’s been… a while, to say the least. The blogging and writing has been overtaken by the garden. It keeps me busy and (mostly) out of trouble but doesn’t leave a lot of time for other pursuits like writing. But that’s a positive, as it keeps me moving – “Motion is Lotion”, as one of my favourite MSers loves to say.

It has certainly been a peaceful and hopeful place to spend time during the pandemic, and I am grateful for that every single day. The pictures really don’t do it justice, and things are just starting to come together after years of redesigning and refiguring, but I hope you can experience even a fraction of the joy that I find here every day.

Much more interesting than the sloped lawn that was here when we moved in.
Twelve years later and the beds have finally stopped moving. 😀
Our driftwood ‘tree’ is a favourite climbing post for the cat but is sadly getting a bit wobbly as it slowly decays. Smudge could get quite the surprise one day soon!
view from the bottom of the garden where we mostly sit

The Working Garden – The Vegetables

As you see, I like to mix it up and stuff many different vegetables into a container or raised bed. I’m not sure it’s the most efficient or productive method but I like the variation. Not only does working in the garden keep me physically and mentally healthy, growing our own food has been a huge factor in getting my symptoms under control.

The Orchard – apples, lemon, kiwi, onions, radishes, kale and kohlrabi
cucumbers, beans, dill, celery, cherry tomatoes, peppers and potatoes

Gardening is a lot of work, and can become overwhelming if it gets away from you. I’m very lucky that my husband and I share the passion and the work. Adding a chronic illness to the mix can make it seem impossible on some days, with crushing fatigue, dizziness, pain and brain fog making the simplest tasks insurmountable. Those are the days to rest and enjoy, meditate and reflect.

Just like housework, the weeds will always be there and there is always more to do than time to do it. But that’s a gift. And, like everything in life, it’s all about perspective and what you choose to focus on. On my good days, I move slowly, take lots of breaks and hydrate constantly. On my bad days, I focus on what’s blooming, what’s growing well, and the overall beauty of the garden. There is always something to appreciate.

Wishing you peace, love, hope and joy, today and every day.


P.S. It’s always interesting to see the changes from year to year. So, here’s the May Tour from 2020. Also the Vegetable Tour.

gratitude, life, Poetry

West Coast: Unplugged Joy


It’s not the tropics.

I’m bundled up in a blanket with my jacket on,

absorbing vitamin D through my face and hands.

Not a margarita but a BC cider in my hand

No internet

No wifi

Just the wide ocean

The waves

Relentless in their battering of the rocky shore

Their energy

And constant loyal presence

Build inside me

Until the joy wants to burst

The tiny fireworks of the sun

Skittering across the ever-changing surface of the ocean

Blue jays in the pine trees

Flitting about, a never-ending hunt

All the lives under the surface

Their mysterious ways of surviving

Nature is thriving, not just surviving

Despite our best efforts

And it doesn’t, to our knowledge, have the capacity to experience joy

That bubbly lightness that expands your rib cage

That makes you repeat, over and over – wow!

There is no word strong enough,

That adequately describes that feeling

That appreciation for being alive,

For our many blessings,

Despite, or because of, our challenges

Those moments can be fleeting and far between

But what magic to experience them at all

It’s never enough,

No matter how much we try to appreciate each amazing moment

In this miraculous life

But it’s all we can do

And aren’t we lucky?

Check out my gorgeous Mohawk and bright blue tail feathers.

Look at me dance. How can you resist?

Feed me! No. We didn’t, but he was sure cute!

For the right price, I might reveal our secret escape. 😏

Seriously though, the chance to go away for three nights with no distractions and such an inspiring view is why we return as often as we can. We originally came on our honeymoon, but at that point we could only afford one night and spent the rest of our honeymoon in a cabin beside a clearcut. 😳

We are so grateful for every minute we get to spend here. We were more reflective because we were celebrating my husband’s 50th birthday (SAY WHAAAAAT???) and we have a long history to celebrate. We appreciate every single moment.

And yet the time still flies…

❤️ Amanda

gratitude, life, writing

Blogger Recognition Award

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians! Continuing on the theme of things to be grateful for, I have to thank Ruth at Melanin Talks for nominating me for The Blogger Recognition Award. If you haven’t checked out her blog yet, head on over there for interesting posts from a 20-something Congolese student living in the UK.

In the four months since I started blogging, I have faced my fear that I could scoop my thoughts out of the pea soup of brain fog that invades my life most days. I have also surprised myself and been wonderfully surprised by the reaction and reception of the blogging community.

I have read so many interesting posts, found a ton of amazing blogs and I can honestly say, I have made better connections with some people online in four months than I have made in person my whole adult life. The blogging community rocks!

How it all began – I explained it all here.

Advice to new bloggers

1) Quality not quantity. Post regularly but don’t get caught up in the numbers game. As fun as it may be to watch the stats grow, keep it in perspective. Remember that all things worth doing take time to develop, and doing something well is a process. Not to mention, there is life outside of social media, a fact we need to remind ourselves of more and more.

2) Connect with other bloggers. There is an amazing, supportive community of bloggers ready to welcome you but, just like in life, it has to go both ways. If you want people to be interested in your content, you have to give some love too.

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Write a post explaining how your blog got started
  • Give 2 pieces of advice to new bloggers
  • Nominate 15 other bloggers you feel deserve some recognition
  • Comment on each blog nominating them, providing the link to the post you created

I decided to pick a mixture of newer blogs, to give those people a boost, and more established blogs that might not need the recognition as much but I feel are important to share.

Writing and poetry

Chronic illness

Mental health

Have a wonderful week!

❤️ Amanda